
Web Interview

So I was asked to give an art-related interview for khuantru.com. I ain't handin' out my recipe for eggplant pasta of course, but for those of you who might be in for a quick read you can check it out here :


More Alloy Ash & Wattie's on the Horizon

You might remember the piece I did at the request of the models Alloy Ash  & Elara Blair  from my last post.  Well Alloy liked it enough that she had it printed out on canvas, framed & hung it at her place, and she even sent me a picture too !  Which I thought was cool so I figured I'ld share :

I'm still waitin' for my bike to get fixed after the accident, been almost two months now...  & my foot is still numb on the top and painful on the bottom, here's hopin' that clears-up soon.  Exploited are scheduled to play a show in Quebec City with Blood for Blood this October.  Last time Exploited were booked for a show here, the government turned 'em back at the border and cars got flipped and burned and chaos ran amok in our streets.  I've got my ticket.

Can you spot Dave with the garbage can ?
 (yes I know I've posted this clip before which is lame, but it's appropriate so)

And this one 'cause it's dedicated to my dog (almost).


Bike crashes, concept art and Elara Blair + Alloy Ash !

Sooo, I was run over by a van goin' to work on my motorbike a few weeks ago, great times.  The bugger turned left from the middle lane without lookin' and clipped me, got my foot tangled-up in the bike as well.  If it weren't for the cop who happened to be behind us pryin' my foot free from the metal I don't think I was gettin' loose from that one.  Don't remember the guy's name but lucky he was there really.

An extra three cop-cars, fire truck and ambulance later and the van-driver also ended-up with a reckless-drivin' ticket, apparently that went down well (ya).  In all the confusion I somehow failed to notice the batman sign up in the sky.

I'm pretty lucky considering : x-rays showed I managed to avoid any broken bones again, "you just have to wait through the pain"... Almost there now, and after having to sort a few things out, the insurance is gettin' her fixed so hopefully I'll be able to make up for lost time before the end of the season.

Speaking of bikes, my two current obsessions : 

::Lucky Monkey's kawasaki z750b::

::and "Vince" himself::

In brighter news I've been switched from illustration to the concept art team at work, pretty damn chuffed about that.  Can't post anything of course, but this is definitely good news.

I've also been asked for some artwork by two lovely models : Elara Blair and Alloy Ash (go check them out !!).  Finally made time to paint these ladies, and since I hadn't done anything "comic-booky" in a while I decided to feature them both in a made-up cover of my fancy :


Long time no blog...

Been a while.  Been up to some of this and some of that.  That being said, here's some sci-fi/fantasy goofin' around I finished recently, Lady McSquid for lack of a better name :


IDW#160 Charon's boat across the river Styx

Managed to crank this one out last minute for the Industrial Design of the Week over at ConceptArt (Charon's boat).

I reckoned it would be cool if the souls that couldn't pay their way would simply be thrown into the river. There they serve Charon, moving his boat across the river Styx, condemned to spend eternity under the surface of her waters. And so Charon needs no paddle, no punt, no other tool than the bell which he rings to call the helping hands of the dead. In this way the boat moves in complete silence, only the bell's toll can be heard from across the mists.

Drop by and gimme a vote ! : IDW#160


Doombots !

My entry for this week's Industrial Design of the Week (#158) over at ConceptArt. We were supposed to come up with a robot that had wiped-out an entire planetary population. So instead of goin' with the guns & missiles routine I figured it would be cooler to have these robots corrupt and brainwash the aliens into extinction, have annihilation insidiously come from within rather than from some blaze of fireballs you could actually confront.

Here's the link (gimme a vote if you drop by !) : http://conceptart.org/forums/showthread.php?t=212850


GameArtsans Comicon & ConceptArt's EOW

Long time no post.  Busy with all sorts of, well pretty much useless bollucks...  Regardless, since the last post I've learned I pulled in second place in the GameArtisans Comicon Challenge (with my Old Man Lobo set), pretty damned sweet.  Unfortunately the advertised prizes have been dropped, I can't help but feel cheated.  :(  Still, must say I'm quite chuffed about it all.

I've also gone back to ConceptArt after a long absence and tried out one of their weekly challenges to practice my environments (don't get to do too many), and I pulled in for a tied first place.  Makin' progress looks like hehe

Couple of easily-spotted mistakes on 'er but in the end that's how you learn :